Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 19, 2008


This post is somewhat overdue since I had a 4 day workshop and couldn't post anything here. But anyways, Sa'eed, you turned one on Monday April 14. Your parents didn't plan anything special for your birthday bash, not even a birthday cake. It's not like we're cheap parents, but celebrating birthdays in a big huha way is not what both of us are used to.

But I WILL get you a present. This weekend maybe?

Sa'eed likes to:
-crawl at lightning speed..heh
-put things in a container and take them out again
-put the lid on a container (and he presses down hard to make sure it stays)
-give kisses on demand (my favorite...not gonna tell you the secret word tho..haha)
-cruise while holding on to something
-put non-food items in his mouth and put food items on the floor (he would NOT feed himself)
-eat and eat and eat

Note: This must be the lamest birthday wish ever :D


mOmmy of Triplets plus One said...

same ere, i dont plan to have any bday bash for their 1 year old. Perhaps when they are then they know how to enjoy themselves

sera_a said...

hahah..nana, add another one, cries like hell when aunty sera pegang dia..haha..or is because of my voice maybe?heheh..weh get a comment box la, like hawa's xnk lain nnt tm block..