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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My dad

Just had to blog about this.

At Gib's family's open house
Me: Lepas ni ada open house lagi ke?
Papa: Ada. Kat Ali Cafe.
Me: Hah? Of all places? You kenal the owner ke?
Papa: Oh tak lah. Papa dinner dengan Rosyam Nor (with a hint of berlagakness...heh)
Me: Fuyoo. And how did you pull that one off?
Papa: Haritu ada makan kat sana. Then kena mcm sign sign bill ke apa. Pastu derang pilih.
Me: Oh..macam lucky draw la ni.
Papa: Ha ah
.......silence sekejap
Papa: Siapa Rosyam Nor tu?
Me: Aiyo....dia berlakon banyak gile filem lah, drama lah, movies lah. You better google him and see what he looks like. Malu karang dia sebab papa tak kenal.
Papa: Ada eh dia kat google?
Me: Ada je kot.

Heh...that was a few days ago. I remember more incidents like that.

While driving around in TTDI with my dad. We stopped at a cross junction.
Me: Huiyo....Wardina lah tu
Papa: Dia tu famous ke?
Me: Very!
Papa: Ooh ye ke. Selalu je papa nampak dia near my office
Me: ceh

While watching a local TV show. Some sort of concert or something to that effect.
Papa: Macam pernah nampak je. Sapa tu eh?
Me: Ning Baizura la. Nampak kat mana?
Papa: I think on my flight to Penang haritu. Eih, yg tu pun sama lah. I think most of them were on the same flight.
Me: And you didn't know they were artists? haiyo...
Papa: .......

And don't get me started on the time he wanted to use the word 'poyo'.....


Sarah said...

oh and Belme sed the other day, Dafi was right beside Papa kat gym so Belme sed something like 'eh tu Dafi kan sebelah u tadi.' So Papa asked. 'Oh yeke. Who's Dafi'.. mcm Belme pon ckp 'Ala, Dafi AF tu...etc'. hehe

There was also a mention a bout Hans Isaac but I forgot how the story was.

Byk jg citer ek. I thot 2 ni je. haha

Oh, and I think ur brother is following ur dad's footsteps. Penat I nak explain sapa2 artist Mesia if I jumpe except for Aznil cause he's just so like him when we saw in Ikea. In the end, I pinched him cause geram sangat :D

ummi sa'eed said...

hehe...kalau abg tu, semua pun blur :p

Anonymous said...

hahaha so funny laa cite u ni naaa!! i gelak puas ati!!