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Friday, September 5, 2008

Pregnant Ladies Unite!

I commute in the LRT to and from work. I consider it lucky if someone offers me a seat. But yesterday was the best! This one pregnant (really pregnant! about to pop anytime) lady was sitting down. Entering the LRT, I ended up standing near where she was seated. Just as she saw me, she nudged this kid who was sitting next to her to offer me a seat.

I thought the kid was her brother or something. He promptly got up and of course I sat down. Weird thing was, the kid walked to another section of the train. Malu it turns out, the kid and the pregnant lady had no relationship whatsoever. hahaha...

If you are commuting and pregnant, where you position yourself is important. The highest probability of someone offering a seat is:
1. NOT in the morning commute...seated people always doze off (or pretends to)
2. NOT kids in uniform, except for the geeky looking ones
3. chinese men (for some reason the thin ones and not always the chubby chubby ones)
4. some malay/chinese ladies (malay: usually the ones in kurung, chinese: usually the ones in corporate outfit)

*This analysis is totally based on my observation. Hmmm....for some reason, I rarely see Indian folks seated.