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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Puzzling behavior

Sa'eed's behavior change is very puzzling. He's usually quite the independent one. I can leave him with his toys in the living room and go do chores or cook. Of course he would end up crawling to where I was, but he would just plop himself on the floor and do his thing.

But now, he would be crying whenever I leave him and he always wants me to carry him. Even when his dad wants to get him off of me, he'd have to literally pry the little guy away. And of course he would scream and cry. I hate to see him like that.

What is more puzzling is that it is getting harder to put him to sleep at night. One minute he would be cranky, indicating that he's sleepy and another minute he would be happily playing with toys and then he'd be cranky again. Usually I would just nurse him to sleep. Apparently that doesn't work right now. He would bite or turn away. Weird thing is, nursing him back to sleep still works if he gets up in the middle of the night. I've listed the various ways we used to get him to sleep.

Saturday: purely accidental...was watching AF Final and sitting on a 'rocking' office chair while holding Sa'eed. He fell asleep while I was rocking away on the chair.

Sunday: finished a bottle of cold fresh milk, rolled over and promptly when to sleep

Monday: a bottle of milk didn't work. Gave him some bread while sitting on the sofa, hugged and cuddled him and he fell asleep.

Tuesday: milk didn't work. Gave him fruits and bread. Went on to hug and cuddle, but that didn't work. He wanted me to stand and carry him in a nursing position (but not nursing).

Wednesday: nothing worked. Dad carried him outside the house, sat on the swing in the playground...swing, swing, swing and the little one fell asleep.

Thursday: tried an experiment. Sa'eed usually has his dinner before we come back from the office. Thursday night I indulged him with one whole banana, our dinner and then biscuits with a drink of plain water, soya milk and fresh milk in between. He turned out to be less cranky. But before bedtime, he insisted that I stand up, carry him, sing to him and pat him on the back. This lasted for about 40 minutes. The song that finally put him to sleep was me just saying over and over again 'Sa'eed baik, Sa'eed pandai, Sa'eed bijak, Sa'eed tido' boy...go figure.


Each night I would try to nurse him first when he gets cranky. He would always bite or refuse to nurse. I wonder what will work tonight...any ideas?


The Zik said...

Your Wednesday attempt was awesome, that's what i usually do, and it always work. (Not the swinging, but the letting your spouse do it for you)

sera_a said...

mcmane kau tido kan zaid? haa mcm tu la ko tido kan saeed..bapak borek anak rintik..or is it the other way round? never mind la tp the crankiness is related..hahha

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

i think its a phase la. gib went through this phase too a few times (nauzubillah...) and we had to try some creative methods. now he'd typically be sucking on his pacifier while i tepuk tepuk his bottom and he'd promptly sleep. but before this he went through the biting and refusing to nurse stage too. na, dia dah taknak nurse lagi kot......? with gib that was the sign that he did not want to be nursed during daytime (or anytime he's fully awake) anymore. so when nursing him to sleep started failing, i had to rely on rolling around with him in bed while telling him stories and singing lullabies, plus tepuk tepuk bum-bum dia. thats when that routine was developed.

good luck..

Anonymous said...

I started rocking Drakey to sleep in my hands when he turned 1++. Before that he would sleep by himself. So now he won't sleep unless I rock him to sleep. I still refuse to buy him buaian.

Probably since he's 1, he needs less sleep and more hours waking up? I had problems making my son sleep earlier this year too but then I tried delaying 1 hour of his bedtime and it worked fine.

I don't know when I can make him sleep on his own again. But hopefully soon. He's getting pretty heavy!

Probably Sa'eed has a tooth coming out and that's why he's uncomfy?

Hmm, that's all from me. Hope everything's gonna be alrite soon yeah!

ummi sa'eed said...

thezik: ermm

sera_a: ha'ela, org beso tido sendirik ler

babybooned: gib went through it too? lega sikit i dgr since sa'eed's not the only one. yeah, now i only 'dream nurse' him.

phantasma: the tooth part might be true too since dia tgh drool gila gila sekarang.

sera_a said...

saeed the great drooler..

Anonymous said...

guess what ummi sa'eed, even my 20-day old fatiha pn a bit cranky when she's about to sleep, the latest trick is to put her on my chest, pat on her back then only she fall asleep (actually my hubby iniated this a week ago), quite risky for a newly born baby as my mom said

p/s: thanks a lot for ur advice, keep me going!

ibuhannah said...

na, hannah's going thru it now. ya allah separuh psycho i.if i wasnt well which is most nights terpaksa ayah dia ambik alih or i go muntah in between then sambung putting her to sleep.

mmg nak kena tido berdodoi. mama cadangkan beli buai..aduh seram i..semalam while you all are having fun at dinner, i terlantar sakit, my mom yang tidokan berdodoi kaki.. ya allah. payahnye..

and dear god, the nenen and biting, rasa nak tercabut *** i...

ummi sa'eed said...

sera_a: takde modal la tu eh...hehe

awin: heheh, I wish that would work. this one-year old would end up wriggling his way to my legs and then to the floor while I (almost) doze off.

ibuhannah: ala shian dia. sorry u missed the was good company. senang pulak sa'eed nak tido malam tu. kenyang makan, hug2 sikit, terus lelap. i skarang dah stop tot-tot dia while he is fully awake.

aidafiqs adamia said...

aaah this is probably where we're supposed to earn our rights to have heaven at our feet? hehe

goodluck =)